Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Insanity is Insanity

What up!? This week on Trendy Tuesdays, I'm going to talk about the workout program called Insanity. I will discuss some good and bad things about.

My wife and I tried this program out a few years ago at our townhouse. We were pretty pumped up about it and really wanted to get in shape fast. We had the schedule they provide and were ready to follow it. The first day we did it, OMG, we were dead tired. It reminds me a lot like basketball drills. Bunch of running and jumping and twisting and shouting going on. I won't lie, it was a great workout and hard enough for even athletes. The one big mistake we did, was not to drink the smoothie they tell you to take after each workout to rebuild muscle and all that fun stuff. It didn't bother us at first, but after a few days of working out like this, we were out of energy. After about 6 days, we decided to throw in the towel.

If we would of taken the smoothie like directed, I'm sure we might of lasted a little longer. I do not think we would of lasted to day 60 though. We had not worked out in over half a year and were not in the best shape. When I first started this my friend Larry told me that the failure rate for this program was around 90%. I took this as a challenge and decided I was going to finish this. Boy was I wrong. The constant cardio and burning of calories depletes your energy so fast, that if you are not nurturing your body constantly, then you will burn out fast and quit.

Does this mean that Insanity is a fraud and no one should do it? Absolutely not. I would say if you are in great shape and/or an athlete, this can be a challenging exercise you can do at home instead of hitting the gym as much. It works every muscle in your body, is an intense cardio workout, and is safe if you follow directions. If you have any health problems, definitely consult with your doctor before trying it. This is not for beginners.


  1. I start this program next week...thanks for the smoothie tip. Setting a mini goal of 15 days. If I make it past that I'll consider myself good.

  2. Good luck Cori! The shake will definitely help. It has a ton of stuff in it. Make sure you have good shoes too because of all the jumping.
