Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Welcome to My Blog!

My name is Chris Folmer, and I am an advocate of health and fitness. At the moment, I do not have any degrees or certifications towards health and fitness, but I do plan on studying for the ACE exams this year so I can be certified in personal training. I do know my stuff though! I just want everyone to know, as of now, this blog is just my opinion and to always consult your doctor before trying anything new. Now that we have met, let me tell you a little about myself and what I plan to accomplish with this blog.

I grew up in a sport dominating home. I played baseball, basketball, and soccer growing up. My little brother even made it to the minor leagues in baseball a few years ago. It helps to compete in sports when you are 6'3" and very agile for your size. In high school though, I discovered music and decided to pursue that instead of sports. I did very well in music; making all region bands, starting a record label that won several awards, and working at world class recording studios. During my music career, the last thing I thought about was health and fitness. I would stay up late, eat junk food, consume energy drinks daily, smoke a whole lot of weed, and would only workout minimally. This caused me to go from 190 lbs at age 18, to 260 lbs at age 31.

Yeah, we all tend to gain some weight as we get older, but gaining 70 lbs is not healthy for anyone. My blood pressure was high, my gut was huge, I had man-boobs, and I was always tired no matter how much sleep I got. At one point I looked at myself, and was actually scared for my life.

Before I go further, I must mention that I have the best wife a man can ask for, her name is Kelly, and she has been supportive of everything I do the 8 years we have been together. Just last year we had our first child, Sadie Ann. When Sadie came into this world, my whole world changed, for the better. I realized then, looking into my daughter's eyes, that I needed to act now on becoming healthy and in shape so that I can live to walk her down the aisle and see my grand kids.

Well, it took until November of 2012 for me to really get going on losing weight and feeling great. As of today, I am down 24 pounds and am feeling the best I have in a long time. I still have a good 30 pounds to go before I will be completely happy, but this is a great start. I want you to join me in my adventure of living a healthy life.

In this adventure, I will post about food, workout regimes, spiritual healing, and anything I can think of that can help us become a better person, both physically and mentally. Some of my techniques are new and some are old. Some are better for men and some are better for women. I will be specific in who the audience should be for every post. Will you join me?


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