Thursday, July 11, 2013

Full Body Workout Routine

I have been waiting to share this workout with you for a while now. I started it a few weeks ago and have had amazing success in fat loss and muscle gain. The last few months I have been doing the Push/Pull/Leg method and there is nothing wrong with it. I lost a lot of weight, got stronger, and became more lean. So why did I change it up? It's good to confuse your muscles and introduce new exercises to them every now and then. Doing this regimen also causes you to workout your muscles 3 times a week instead of only once. Let's take a look at my new workout.

Full Body Workout - Day 1 - Monday

  1. Dumbbell Bench Press (Chest)
  2. Lat Pull Down (Back)
  3. Shoulder Press (Shoulders)
  4. Standing Bicep Curls (Biceps)
  5. Tricep Dips (Triceps)
  6. Barbell Squats (Quads, Hamstrings, Butt)
  7. Standing Calf Raises (Calves)
  8. Vertical Leg Hip Raise (Abs)
Full Body Workout - Day 2 - Wednesday
  1. Leg Press (Quads, Butt)
  2. Standing Calf Raises (Calves)
  3. Ab Twist Machine (Abs)
  4. Seated Incline Bicep Curls (Biceps)
  5. Tricep Extensions Laying Down (Triceps)
  6. Upright Row Barbell (Shoulders)
  7. Seated Row (Back)
  8. Standing Fly with Cable (Chest)
Full Body Workout - Day 3 - Friday
  1. Close Grip Bench Press (Triceps)
  2. Barbell Squats (Quads, Hamstrings, Butt)
  3. Vertical Leg Hip Raise (Abs)
  4. Incline Bench Press (Chest)
  5. Standing Calf Raises (Calves)
  6. Dumbbell Shrugs (Shoulders)
  7. Lat Pulldown (Back)
  8. Bicep Curls with Cable (Biceps)
Each exercise I do 4 sets of 10 reps. I also only allow 30 seconds between rest times. This seems pretty hardcore but it will make you see results almost twice as fast. The first day I did this, I worked so hard I puked. Not saying I encourage that but it just shows you how much harder it is than the previous regimen I was doing. Also, the reason I switch up the exercises is so that all muscles get a time to be your first exercise (when we are at our strongest). You don't want to do squats last every day because you will deprive them of heavier weight. On your days off it's a good idea to do some cardio or just stay as active as you can. During the weekends are my days off from the gym so this workout works perfectly.

In conclusion, I love this regimen because it is fresh, difficult, and has shown me results in only 2 weeks. I feel stronger, more in shape, and am cutting fat much faster than before. Try it out next week and let me know what you think.


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