Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Men's Health Poster

Happy Tuesday to all my readers. I had an idea for a blog post today, but it was going to require more research than I had time to do. I will post that next week! Today, I wanted to share a poster I saw a few weeks ago that is pretty helpful for men. Sorry ladies, I try to be unisex as often as I can. I know this isn't really a "trendy" topic for Trendy Tuesdays, but I felt it was important to share. Take a look at the poster for a minute and absorb what it is saying.

Do you feel like some of the organs mentioned may be in the danger zone with you personally? Go see a doctor and get a physical. I don't usually say go to the doctor for anything, but it's good to go when you know what you need checked and are already informed so you can decide whether or not to take doctor's orders.

This poster wasn't made to scare you, but to inform you of how major organs work and are affected by our daily living. The older we get, the more we realize the importance of keeping our body healthy so we can live long and prosperous lives.


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