Thursday, May 23, 2013

Home Workouts

Do you hate the gym? Does the thought of getting ready to go workout in public make you want to go back to bed? Well you aren't alone, many people feel the same way you do. To say someone can't get in the best shape of their lives by working at home, is wrong. My wife has been doing some variations of workouts at home since she is with the baby most of the day and can't go to the gym really. So far she is down about 5 lbs and said she is feeling great so far. So let me show you a nice 30 minute workout to do everyday from your house.

Stretch - 5 minutes - Although you may feel this is stupid and wastes time, you are doing yourself 2 favors. Loosening up your muscles for the quick workout ahead and actually burning some calories.

Jump Rope - 10 minutes - This may not sound hard, but if you go a good 10 minutes without taking more than a 5 second break here and there, you will be tired. I usually do this in my garage but you can do it on the driveway too. If in an apartment, maybe try finding a spot in the parking lot that is vacant.

Pushups - 50 - If you need start by doing pushups on your knees, that's fine.

Squats - 50 - Make sure to use proper form when doing these to maximize the exercise.

Superman - 5 minutes - If you don't know what this is, it is where you lay down face down, and then raise your arms and legs and pretend you are flying like Superman. Making sure to focus on your core to keep you up. The exercise calls for you to lift up and hold for 5 seconds, then release and repeat. You can sway right to left to if you want to spice it up.

Jumping Jacks - 100 - Just do 100 jumping jacks. Easy.

Pushups - 20 - Last ones for the day.

And there you have a simple workout routine you can do at home with the only equipment needed is a jump rope. If you can't jump rope, substitute it for jumping jacks for 10 minutes. You can also stretch if you want afterwards. You should feel great after doing this. If you are sore the first few days, don't worry, it's normal.


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