Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Paleo Diet

Today on Trendy Tuesday, I will be talking about a new diet I have heard about called the Paleo Diet. The Paleo diet is a modern day version of our ancestors’ diet from the Paleolithic era and focuses on food that can be hunted or gathered: Vegetables, fruit, seafood, grass-fed meat, eggs, nuts, seeds, and poultry. While it seems like it could be a very healthy alternative to your regular diet, it does raise questions on a few things.

No one can argue that eating only vegetables, fruit, meat, eggs, and nuts is bad for you. Most diets actually follow the same guideline. Processed foods are a big no-no in this diet and that's a good thing. This diet is rich in soluble fiber, omega 3 fatty acids, low-glycemic carbs, and the good kind of fat. I have read stories of people losing an easy 15 lbs and feeling great while on this diet. This diet is also extremely low in sodium which is something I really like about it. So why is this diet not practiced by everyone in the world?

The one thing that I thought of when I heard about this diet is, "A caveman's life span was only 20 years or so, does that mean you will be fit but die sooner than other people in today's time?" Another thing to think about is the animal's meat from a long time ago is much different than the commercial farm animals we have nowadays, even if they are grass fed. The meat is not as lean and they are still pumped with chemicals even at the most organic farms. Also, without milk and cheese, it is almost impossible to get calcium and vitamin D in your diet. You also lose valuable nutrients by taking away grains. This diet is also very similar to a low carb diet which I am not a fan of. I actually see nothing wrong with carbs if they are the good kind. I also love bread so I might be a little biased. The last thing that made me not a fan was that your grocery bill will most likely be much larger than before.

After saying that, this does not mean this diet is bad for you. There are supplements you can take to get the missing nutrients, and as long as you stay active, like cavemen did, you should have no problem eating all the fat and protein you want. It is also recommended that you eat more fish than red meat. If all you eat is red meat from today's farm animals, you will most likely develop cardiovascular problems.

In conclusion, the Paleo Diet is a new approach to a low carb diet. I personally would never do it but that is my personal choice and I do not feel it accompanies my lifestyle. If you have the wallet, the patience, and the drive to do this diet, I say go for it. Make sure to check with your doctor or health care professional before trying this if you have medical issues. My advice is just to eat normal foods and stay away from as much processed foods as you can without driving yourself crazy.


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