Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sexy Legs Workout

Summertime is here. Well, not officially but it sure feels like it. Now is the time to bring out the shorts and bathing suits. If you are like me and have been working out all winter and spring, you aren't too worried about what your beach body might look like. If you are like most people though, you have some areas that you would like to fix before you get into a bikini or board shorts. Today I am going to share a poster I saw online that shows an incredible leg workout. It is mostly targeted to women but men can easily do this too and see results.

So there you have it. I would say it would be OK to do this every day if you have the drive and want to. Maybe give yourself one day off for rest, like Sunday. If you follow this every day, I would say in a month you will have some awesome looking legs. Don't expect a quick fix and also remember to keep diet in mind while you do this. Here's to looking good this summer!


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